How Long to Get to Hawaii From New York

"Great service"

"Going there and coming back, I had not preordered a meal. The first time it was because I had no idea that they would not have anything additional for people to purchase onboard. The second time, I was simply busy with my family and overlooked the food order. As a diabetic, I hope this practice of "preorder only" changes."

Cons: "Agents at the gate doing the pre clearance for Hawaii were polite, helpful and patient. Kudos to them all!!"

Pros: "The comfort of the plane was great! Lots of room and very comfortable seating."
Cons: "I found some members of staff to be a bit rude. When other passengers asked questions or did something wrong (that was a minor issue), one of the staff members in particular talked down to them and treated them like they were stupid."

Pros: "On time flight, friendly crew"
Cons: "Spacing, with covid one empty seat for every 3 row seat would be better"

Cons: "Seats hard and didn't recline. No food."

Pros: "Seating was nice."
Cons: "Built in Screens on the seats are nice. They offer tablets but the info provided on the screens like time to destination and current location as well as access to purchasing food and beverages, is always welcome)."

Cons: "Inflight entertainment didn't work"

Pros: "Great staff friendly and accommodating"

Pros: "The crew was amazing"

Cons: "High price for mediocre seat"

Pros: "Nice crew."
Cons: "What entertainment??"

Pros: "I lucked out getting an exit row. The gate agents were wet nice."

Pros: "Crew was attentive and very pleasant"
Cons: "Seating"

Cons: "Full flight so understood but no one likes the middle seat."

Pros: "There was a good selection for the on-flight entertainment"
Cons: "It was a long time to travel with only drinks and a snack."

Cons: "We had 30 minutes of delay and For the distance I think the company could offer better meals. Otherwise was everything great! Congratulations for the crew! Very patient and gentle!"

Pros: "Everything was great but"
Cons: "It was an old dated plane. Only reason good not great"

Pros: "Crew was friendly and helpful"

Pros: "Seats are comfortable, crews are all approachable and helpful."

Pros: "Staff friendly and helpful, food choices, seat comfy, ease of boarding, gate check bag came right away."

Pros: "Smooth flight"
Cons: "That middle seat.. 6 hour flight pretty uncomfortable."

Cons: "Not that the airline had any control, but the turbulence was the worst I'd experienced (and longest-lasting) in the 40 years I'd been flying. The crew kept everyone comfortable, informed, and safe."

Pros: "Staff was professional but not warm. Boarding was easy and the timing was great."
Cons: "Cramped. Absolutely no leg room and I'm 5 foot 2 inches. The bathroom filled up so no one could use the facilities for the last hour of flight."

Pros: "Crew was friendly and the service was good."
Cons: "Stuck next to self obsessed millenial who couldn't stop taking selfies of himself and he kept rubbing against me (apparently not noticing I was there?). He had plenty of space so it was weird."

Pros: "Simple ways that make the atmosphere in the air a little more welcoming and friendlier."
Cons: "Nothing."

Pros: "The flight attendants were really great and nice."
Cons: "That I'm still stuck on this damn plane and we landed 30 minutes ago."

Pros: "I liked the movie selection and the ride was smooth"
Cons: "I didn't like that there wasn't any food for a fiver hr flight !!"

Pros: "The staff was helpful and professional at every juncture - from check in to landing. The flight was smooth and landed a bit early. Tv/movie choices were great."
Cons: "Airplanes are so cramped, it's ridiculous. I'm only 5'2" and I didn't even have the room to bend down to reach under the seat to pick up a pen I dropped. Take out a row and give everyone more room."

Pros: "Danielle the woman who was handling everyone complaining at the gate. She was the only person helping anyone with whatever she could. Also the crew, weren't properly stocked with anything, not even water. They did their best to work with the lack of supplies and information they were given. Otherwise I felt like I was in a bad version of the twilight zone. And I love that show."
Cons: "Absolutely everything except for the crew listed above. The delay was never informed to anyone until check in- even then the gate's LCD screen wasn't even updated with a delay. They said they had to call British airlines to ask them to change the information! No one was allowed into the lounge for a 5 hour delay which is horrible. Considering the airport was under construction and the restaurants all closed an hour before boarding. It was horrible. I missed work because of this and my day rate is 800$ and all I got was a lousy $100 voucher. If Alaska airlines had, I don't know let everyone into the lounge and provided us with more respect and something in return maybe it would be so bad. But right up to three of the boarding crew (not Danielle) who were YELLING at people. People who were tired and confused. It was the worst experience and I am a global flyer with my company."

Cons: "What food? Alaska Airlines doesn't feed the cattle. Even the Salmon I brought back, one was semi frozen, expected that... The other was not frozen at all??? What's up with that??? Leave that one out on the tarmac or what??? Doesn't matter what "AGREMENT" Alaska Air has with any airlines. Make you go through TSA again and there isn't enough time to catch a flight 60 minutes later. Much less get bags and check in again. I"m look for a different air carrier. Alaska Air is a mediocre airline and it's okay for them. That landing included a few bounces. The pilot came over the com talking about a great landing. I'd hate to see one of his bad landings."

Pros: "Updated customer technology, few interruptions, great staff"
Cons: "1-2h delay that wasn't told until everyone was already boarded. Sitting on the plane for any extra time for a 6h flight isn't ideal!"

Cons: "They gave away my seat so I had trouble getting on the flight"

Cons: "Late departure, no headphones on board (thus no access to movies etc), and while waiting at gate to depart, plane became very hot with no airflow, Electronic ordering system for drinks also was not working And it's absurd that a 6.5 hour flight has no snacks or food offered. Cheap Branson."

Pros: "The food order concept"
Cons: "No food, not even snacks, despite the long fligjt"

Cons: "I spent more than $30 on food and drink, but got my 9rders as part of the normal service, as opposed to faster than those who didn't spend any money. It was painfully slow. the angle of the seat cushion is a bit high."

Pros: "Plane clean, boarding efficient, pilot cordial, flight confortable, arrived early despite delayed departure."
Cons: "Because video playback system was inoperable (not an issue for me—I am happy to read during the flight) the young crew had to perform safety announcements manually but were obviously ill-practiced and inexperienced at this, bungling their reading and even seeming not fully to understand the words. (They also botched announcing introductions of the pilot and crew, not seeming confident who was on board or as if they in fact knew their names.) This was of course unprofessional but also introduced doubt how reliable they would be in an actual emergency."

Cons: "At boarding, when overhead bins are full, you cannot force passengers to check their bags if they had planned not to. I was in a rush when I land and because it was delayed too I did not want to also have to wait for my bag at baggage claim. I was completely late to an event I was to be at."

Pros: "Movies"
Cons: "Bathroom was disgusting, there wasn't a trash so people threw their hand towels on the floor."

Pros: "Staff/Crew were all very friendly. Plane was clean and air temperature was comfortable."
Cons: "Seats were terribly uncomfortable! NO cushion = a very sore bottom, especially on an almost 6 hour flight. VERY disappointed in the entertainment. This airline expects everyone to have a device to play their downloadable entertainment or else pay to rent a device. This is horrible for such a long flight, when you happen to be one of those people who do not have a device for this. I will not fly Alaska Airlines again."

Pros: "The flight from hell is over. I've had better jumps from a C-130. At least I didn't bounce as much and the Army never nickel and dimed us for everything."
Cons: "Boarding? Alaska Airline had a 4 hour lay over. Crew? Ask "Chad" a question and when he's done joking around and serving 6 other people, he may get to you. Comfort? You have to pay for leg room. Otherwise your knees are in the back of the seat in front of you. Food? What food? They offered trail mix. You have to buy the cheese platter. After buying the leg room upgrade. forget it. Entertainment? What entertainment? You have to buy the entertainment player. Seriously? After Alaska Airlines nickel and dimes the customer to death they landed on one set of wheels, then bounced two more times."

Pros: "I'll let you know after we get on the one they pushed us to. Completely unacceptable service."
Cons: "We don't think that we will be flying an airline with such poor management teams in place again."

Pros: "The crew was fantastic. Allen and Brianne were our attendants and they made up for problems with food."
Cons: "Food was mislabeled so as vegetarian I had to either eat chicken or nothing. Menu described brownie for dessert and crew had none so made do with a muffin. Just not what I expect from first class!!!"

Pros: "The staff were very patient with very large group traveling. The staff were very cautious of them not burning themselves with the coffee. If when having large groups of non-speaking passengers, place their group leaders separate so that they can help translate for the crew and then not have to take so long to help them out."
Cons: "Allergies to dogs and there was a dog on the plane. Couldn't stop sneezing and had an aweful time trying to pressurize my ears from allergies. Very difficult when air circulation can't be controlled at seat. It was freezing and no way to close vent or stop air from hitting directly onto me."

Pros: "As always, the Alaska crew was fantastic."
Cons: "Food just is what it is. Free mai tai's at the end of the flight we're great!"

Pros: "nice plane and crew."

Pros: "Planes same more spacious. Crew excellent. Boarding quick and efficient"
Cons: "They did change my flight by several hours which was disappointing as I had a very short stay made shorter. No compensation not able to get me something better. Also resulted in a 5 hour layover in Seattle. Don't like paying for entertainment or food when I pay $1000 for flights. Feel cheated and buckled and dimed. Also did not like no free checked bags. Again I find all airlines that do this insulting. One bag should be included in our flight. How many people fly without any. That is one reason I often fly southwest."

Pros: "Service, nice plan and easy ride to Honolulu."
Cons: "I don't the seating arrangement in a 737-800. Three rows on each side makes the window and middle passenger very uncomfortable."

Pros: "Crew was great. Boarding was great and even though we were delayed in leaving Seattle we got in on time."
Cons: "Couldn't get the wifi to work dispite trying several times. I had even uploaded the gogo app previous to leaving Seattle. Seats were uncomfortable too, very little cushion left on them."

"My screen wasn't working property, nor was the headphone jack so to hear the tv/movies. So I sat without entertainment for 10 HOURS! Also, the food was completely unacceptable. I have bought better food out of vending machines. I have flown 100's of times and I have to say this was the WORST food I have ever had on a plane. I'm quite surprised actually. I've flown with Hawaiian before and probably will again inter island but NEVER again for long flights. It was all so disappointing and that's not what I expect from them."

Pros: "Crew kept you informed."
Cons: "All went well"

Pros: "PLane was clean, boarding went fast, meals and snacks were decent."
Cons: "The sound system was turned up too loud. Did not appreciate being bombarded with advertising on the entertainment system, on the Loud speakers as cabin crew hawked the company credit card etc"

Pros: "Selection of films good. Thankful for complimentary earphones. Thankful for pillow and blanket too."
Cons: "Food. Sandwich was terrible. Couldn't figure what kind of of filling it had. Bread hard and difficult to bite. Not enough restrooms. Aisle is narrow. When waiting for restroom behind row 35(?) they are standing and waiting and bumping into people sitting in rows 28+."

Pros: "The crew was very friendly and the service was very good. For an 11 hour flight, it was better than I anticipated. The meals were surprisingly tasty!"
Cons: "Just one thing...I couldn't seem to recline my seat, but I didn't say anything about it. This isn't anyone's fault, but for someone my age, sitting in one location for 11 hours is a pain. Also, my one check-in bag was literally the last bag on the baggage carousel... just my bad luck."

Pros: "I love"

Pros: "Nothing. I slept 70 percent of the way but these two adults ad their brat kid kept kicking seats and the father was the wasn't a horrible trip but I think the father was the oddest. He kept changing his seat next to mine. But overall I slept 70 percent of the time."
Cons: "I would have had a manager that was the boss of the stewardesses so people weren't seat jumping around the whole time."

Pros: "Soft landing"
Cons: "Forgetful cruisemembers, phone jack (charger) not functioning, Poor entertainment, but even poorer food!"

Pros: "Service, crew, food, price"
Cons: "Chairs weren't very comfortable"

Pros: "The flight was smooth, the pilots were nice when on the speaker, the crew was good, food was very good!"
Cons: "Sitting next to the unpleasant lady in my row. Some passengers are rude but we're coming from New York, so...."

Pros: "Great crew...helpful and friendly! They also provided a good meal, snack and complimentary wine for those of us in coach. No other domestic airline does that."

Pros: "Service was good. The staff is friendly. There is enough leg room. Take-off and landing were on-time. Overall, they seemed professional. I would fly with Hawaiian again."
Cons: "Wish the pasta in the meal didn't have meat sauce. The entertainment movie options are good, but they cost $7.99 each. I was hoping they'd be free."

Cons: "The seats are too small. There was also no way to update the seat, to pay for a closer seat, nothing. The booking should have allowed me to do this."

Cons: "1) No wifi 2) movies cost $9 3) screens don't swing out to compensate for reclining of seat in front of you."

Cons: "No internet and no free movies."

Pros: "Flight, bording"
Cons: "Had to pay to watch movies"

Cons: "Husband and I upgraded our seats, only to board and settle in and be asked that one of us leave the seat we paid for because they made an error and double booked one of the two seats."

Pros: "The crew was extremely friendly and solicitous, and the seats were as comfortable as they could be for an 11 hour flight."
Cons: "More options for food. Having a gluten allergy meant I had to drop $7 on a gluten free box because I couldn't eat the pasta or the sandwich."

Pros: "Kind of punctual.passengers well informed over all flight."
Cons: "Toilet and seat not so appealing.needs cleaning.bleaching t"

Pros: "I was able to charge my phone and the staff were very respectful and helpful."
Cons: "No WiFi for an 11+ hour flight... No vegetarian option for food."

Pros: "They offered meals unlike AA, Delta, or Ynited"
Cons: "N/A"

Pros: "Super friendly helpful staff"

Pros: "Leg room"
Cons: "No food. I ordered kosher meal , was told Kayak it was confirmed . The stewardess said they never have kosher . So I was lied to by your representative."

Cons: "I was flying business class during my trip back to New York from Hawaii. When you are flying business class, you are expecting a superior service. However, the flight attendant's attitude and serviceman ship did not meet my expectation."

Pros: "That there were movies to watch, even though not such great options"
Cons: "Lost luggage that was gate checked, paid $600 extra for upgraded seats and they weren't great. We had a window seat but there was barely a window."

Pros: "Outlet at the seat in comfort section. Service, staff, boarding on/off, and inflight was great. Food was fresh and edible. Soothing sounds music channel. Playing Golf and numbers game. Blanket & pillow."
Cons: "The price to bid for upgrade to First Class was expensive. Doesn't allow you to select your own dollar amount as it's preset. Upgraded to extra comfort seating and not enough padding on the seat cusions. Not many tv and complementary movies to select from."

Pros: "Very accommodating to meet the needs of my parents who are elderly"
Cons: "Wish flight also available out of Liberty-Newark airport which is closer to home"

Pros: "Staff very helpful"

Pros: "Liked the location of gate 30 at JFK nice and quiet."
Cons: "Not much food or snacks for such a long flight Other than that it was excellent."

Pros: "There is a port for a USB, so you can bring a device? But then, you have to prepare your entertainment in advance which is an inconvenience...."
Cons: "The complementary food was garbage. I am not asking for a 5 star meal from Roy's; I am asking that the food be somewhat edible. The paid snack options were few and there we no healthier choices. You have to pay for all of films, games, and movies. No WiFi on the plane. The display had issues when I tried to turn it off - it would randomly come on. The volume for the "advertisements" were ridiculously louder. In fact, they were louder than the safety announcements from the staff! Gotta pay $25 for a checked bag."

Cons: "I was not in the system for my flight so therefore i didnt have a ticket. My trip was round trip and for some reason i was not marked as being on the original flight from honolulu to jfk so they canceled my return flight."

Pros: "It was a long 12h flight from NY to HI, I requested change of seat. They arranged it so so got one in empty row since I were by myself. Food is good too!"

Pros: "The flight was good, and the flight attendants were efficient."
Cons: "The portions of food were small. The entertainment package for $7.99 was very dated and limited in options."

Pros: "The members of the Crew were all as pleasant and helpful as could be. The Extra Comfort seats we purchased made the long flight more bearable coupled along with the Entertainment choices. The meal that was included on our flight was good especially since you would be paying extra on other Airlines."
Cons: "Don't forget your earbuds or earphones."

Cons: "Passenger have to pay for every single entertainment."

Pros: "Clean"
Cons: "Poor drink/food service, no free wifi, no free movies all make for one long boring flight."

Pros: "Went thru baggage check and boarding very quickly although we got there 1 hour befoe flight ( traffic issues). Had a 10 hour direct flight and was happy we had lunch ( not bad) and a fruit snack tray about an hour before landing. Crew was very friendly."

Pros: "Smooth boarding and flight"
Cons: "On board lunch and later snack were free! Quality was reasonable."

Pros: "The crew was incredibly friendly and helpful."
Cons: "On flight entertainment seemed limited and expensive compared to other airlines I've been on recently."

Pros: "The comfort of the plane."
Cons: "The price of the tickets."

Pros: "Smooth flight and comfort of the two window seats. Food was excellent as well! Stewardess were very accommodating"
Cons: "The four seats in the middle! YIKES!"

Pros: "Everything"

Pros: "The flight was smooth and the flight attendants were very nice and helpful."

Pros: "Overall staff was patient and sweet"
Cons: "Delay"

Pros: "- crew was friendly"
Cons: "- old plane from mid 90ties - constant trying to sell me extras - terrible food, too little food - no inflight entertainment - plane broke had to stop over in Seattle - purser was terrible - those are just my top things I didn't like - never fly this airline agai"

Cons: "Have to pay for entertainment on a 12 hour flight Only free choices were Hawaiian commercials"

Pros: "I can't believe that for a 12 hour flight there are not any movies to watch for free!!!!!"

Pros: "Very nice staff"
Cons: "For such a long flight there should be better food and more food"

Pros: "I like that meal and snack along with choice of beverage was provided at no cost. Boarding was prompt. Luggage arrived fast at conveyor belt."
Cons: "Found it surprising to have to pay for inflight movie on long flight."

Pros: "I liked being able to get up and walk around a lot over the 11 hours"
Cons: "with one exception the flight attendants were inattentive and did not care about the loutish drunk sitting next to me snoring loudly, taking up too much space & annoying those within five rows. they told me he was "a platinum member"."

Pros: "Friendly crew Flight left on time Refreshments were alright Thankful for the free WiFi"
Cons: "Seats were small Hardly any space below seat to store hand luggage Aisle was tight"

Pros: "Crew was very efficient"

Cons: "More snack options"

Pros: "Nothing, I'm tired of the changing policies every time i fly with no heads up from the airline"
Cons: "Consistency, customer service, customer service, customer service"

Pros: "Great flight crew, comfortable, clean plane, early arrival."
Cons: "Better free entertainment options."

Pros: "flight time is so confusing"

Pros: "Entertainment on flight."
Cons: "The boarding crew was not helpful and rude. Traveling is stressful enough, not having a boarding crew be able to answer simple questions made the rest of the experience bad"

Cons: "Flew first class but still had to pay for internet. We also waited 20 minute in the runway after landing"

Pros: "Amazing crew!"
Cons: "NA"


Pros: "Good service amazing crew clean airplane good cleaning protocols"
Cons: "Everything was good"

Pros: "Very friendly thank you!"
Cons: "The wifi login experience could be improved. I purchased wifi as a guest when I had an account and had to spend extra time chatting with an agent to get it resolved. They were very helpful but having the option to login to my account at the start would be ideal!"

Pros: "I liked the fact I was put into a quality seat after I had booked a normal economy seat. Nice upgrade. I got lots of leg room."
Cons: "The flight was delayed because of a maintenance issue. We made up some of the time, but it was an issue."

Pros: "Amazing crew!"

Pros: "One flight attendant was adamant about a passenger across from me, covering his nose AND mouth during the flight and constantly checked to make sure he was following the rules."
Cons: "The safety instructions portion of the flight was not thorough. They just held up the large card and stood there. No true demonstration which was important to me as I was sitting in the emergency exit row."

Pros: "I would like to have ore of a grace period to check baggage."

Pros: "great flight, good social distance and empty seats in between"
Cons: "really nothing, it was as good as possible in these times"

Cons: "There was a family with kids climbing all over the Sears. Would have been nice if the crew reigned then in a bit."

Pros: "Crew was extremely hostile and rude"
Cons: "Smile and treat black individuals better"

Cons: "Great flight"

Pros: "No middle seats. Crew was nice. More space for people."
Cons: "The ceiling next to the spot lights or calling for help was dirty. I was expecting everything to be wiped. I turned my air fan on, and my there were some brown spots on my hands. And I looked up, it was dirty up there."

Cons: "Flight crew did not enforce mask mandate"

Pros: "Delta is the airline to fly if you have to fly (like I did) during a pandemic. They made sure at every turn we felt as safe as possible. They had passengers distanced from each other the whole time, handed out sanitizing wipes as we walked on the plane, made sure folks kept their masks on, gave us individual little baggies with snacks and water bottles that also had individual hand sanitizer packets. I felt so much more safe flying Delta on my way home to Hawaii in July than I did when I flew American Airlines on my way to the mainland in June."

Cons: "Socially distancing worked well on the plane because the middle seats are not occupied, snacks are bagged and the head flight attendant was funny and gave an inspirational message on the PSA at the gate and when we landed."

Pros: "live tv, watched the formula one race"
Cons: "Seats were not comfortable, and the side panel at my feet was broken off and i could see through the floor of the plane"

Pros: "good flight, inflight menu and movie library"
Cons: "rude bag drop off kiosk"

Cons: "Good"

Cons: "After a delay of about an hour on a very full flight the gate agent asked for volunteers to check their rollaboard suitcases. The gate agents then allowed those who checked their rollaboards to board before Zone 1,which was fine. However, a bunch of people without gate check stickers on the rollaboards were also allowed to board before Zone 1, which was aggravating. There was a long delay on the tarmac, during which we had to pull back to the gate or to a maintenance area before we finally took off. When we arrived in Vegas there was no gate for us to pull into, which led to another long delay of an already long and delayed flight."

Pros: "The flight crew was very competent and welcoming."
Cons: "The gate agent at JFK was annoying. She forced us to check carry on bags for no apparent reason. Much larger carry on's were allowed both before and after us. Her fellow agent seemed like she wanted to apologize for her capricious behavior, but was understandably hesitant to do so. The airplane seating was cramped and uncomfortable. The rntertainment choices were very limited unless you enjoy superhero movies or a very limited range of audio/musical selections. So it goes in coach class."

Pros: "very nice and willing stewardesses"
Cons: "tragic little place for legs, lack of space"

Cons: "My daughter was booked on this itinerary and was finishing her last leg of journey. Complete ticket was booked thru Delta Airlines. Her flight from Amsterdam to New York today operated by KLM, was delayed by few minutes. And Delta flight from JFK to Cleveland DL4084 was preponed by airlines. Result was my daughter was not allowed to board the aircraft. Worst was yet to come. Your staff at the gate offered her a flight to Cleveland for next day at 3:30 pm??? Means around 24 hours later. Is this how you behave with a girl of 19 years, asking her to stay at the airport. She was refused Hotel and Lounge stay by your team!!! Is this what you call customer services??? Obscene services is what I would like to term it as!!! My daughter asked them to give this is writing, which was refused to her. Why are your people scared to put it in writing if everything that you are doing is right by the Law??? I was left with no other option but to book her on American Airlines flight today departing at 9 pm to ensure that little girl doesn't have to spend close to 24 hours at airport by paying $423. Who is going to bear the loss of money and mental torture that your team has given to me and my daughter???? I shall be awaiting your response as to what do you have to say to this pathetic attitude of your team. Rajesh Mendiratta Sent from my iPhone Rajesh"

Pros: "The flight for getting us therw"
Cons: "No food and no entertainment"

Pros: "I paid 60 bucks for an emergency row exit, take get some extra leg room and space so that I would be fresh when I arrived in Munich. However KLM allowed a passenger — who did not pay for the emergency row to sit next to me because he needed the extra space because he was a liarge man, and clearly didn't fit very well in the economy seats. Thus I I lost all the extra space and actually would of preferred a regular economy seat. that would've been more preferential then paying $60 and getting less space than I would've had it in a regular economy. I understand the other passengers comfort was important and if that was the case he should've paid $60 as well."
Cons: "I did not get a choice of seat for the one and a half hour flight from Amsterdam to Munich and I sat in a middle row for the first time in 20 years."

Pros: "Nothing"
Cons: "It was not acceptable and very disappointed that flight DL391 from SDQ to NY-JFK was delayed till it left at 4:40pm because there were no crew members to bring the aircraft to STO DGO the night before as it is usually done so that the aircraft sleeps over in las Americas. We were at the airport at 4:30am because the flight was scheduled to depart at 6:05am we were lucky to be able to rebook for a flight SDQ-ATL DL576 for the same day hoping to make the connection ATL-IND. Unfotunately that flight was rerouted to Charlotte due to bad weather conditions with a delay of 3 hrs before it landed in ATL thus missing our connection to INDI and had to sleep in ATL and leave the next day to IND thus missing a meeting commitment that we had in IND. We should and expect to be compensated by Delta for this."

Pros: "Snacks & drinks & TV movies good"
Cons: "One hostess was very rude & slow forget our headphones Kept getting me to help her with getting attention of other hostesses also very bad at giving snacks and kept my husband and another man waiting for 10 mins while she gathered rubbish despite repeated requests which would have been easy as she was at the front of plane obviously unsuited for this position"

Pros: "The flight crew was friendly and personable. Beverage service was consistent and efficient. Entertainment and free WiFi messaging were great perks."
Cons: "The positives don't even come close to offsetting the misery of Delta's seats. I honestly don't remember the last time I was so cramped and uncomfortable. I'm not an abnormally large man - 6 feet 200 lbs - and there was no room for my legs or my shoulders in an "upgraded economy" seat. I fly weekly for work on another major airline, and only took this one in a crunch. But I am quite certain this was my last Delta flight and I'll be advising others similarly. The service and entertainment aren't sufficient to mask an awful seat configuration."

Pros: "Very comfortable and didn't feel cramped. Quick flight."
Cons: "No choice in snack and I couldn't eat what I was given. Staff appeared checked out and not bothered. No entertainment but it was a quick flight."

Pros: "Giid free sandwixh. Very good entertainment system. Good seats."

Cons: "Force me to take a bad seat"

Pros: "I didn't like much about this flight."
Cons: "Flight left late. When we landed the sky bridge was broken so we had to walk outside, which isn't a big deal but it took a while sitting on the runway for the stairs to come. Then we proceeded to baggage claim and waited a few minutes and one of our 2 bags was there. The crew member then said "that's everything. If you're missing bags come see us." Well about 5 people on a small flight had to see them. My bag was stuck in JFK. I was told id have to come back to the airport tomorrow. At this point id been traveling for close to 24 hours. Im not a happy camper. I usually fly JetBlue and this has never happened with them. Delta acted like its a normal thing with them. I paid 25 dollars to check each bag. How can both my bags not reach their final destination together and how come this seems like a normal procedure for Delta. I paid you for a service and now I have to drive back to the airport or wait for you at home to deliver my bags whenever Delta feels like it. I probably won't fly Delta again unless I absolutely have to."

Pros: "We'd paid extra for main cabin so hot to choose seats and got in flight entertainment.. Staff were friendly."
Cons: "No free wifi."

Pros: "Boarding was very organized and quick. Slight delay taking off but not bad for JFK. Lovely crew. Bumpy flight but the captain kept us informed. Food better than expected. Flight arrived early but no gate so we had to wait."
Cons: "OMG! The seats are obnoxiously close together. I could only sit perfectly upright and even then my knees were pressed tightly against the seat in front of me. I am only 5'7". Impossible to rest due to lack of space. I tried to put my head down on my tray table but couldn't since it hit the seat in front of me. Mid flight my 13 year old daughter got back spasms. Upon arrival we could barely walk and looked like two old women limping down the jetway. No idea how a tall or larger person could have even sat down."

Pros: "Some of the ground staff was trying to be helpful."
Cons: "That we had to sleep like homeless people on the floor of JFK airport as the airline was not able to provide for a crew and therefore cancelled the flight. The airline cancelled the flight at 1.30 in the morning so no one was able to get a stay in a hotel not did the airline take any action towards helping the stranded passengers. We were given blankets and pillows. The best thing was the ground staff getting rude after all passengers complaining. They were basically saying we should get stuffed since we were booked for a flight next day same day. This is shameful! Needless to say that I will not fly this airline again!"

Pros: "That I made it to Dublin"
Cons: "The flight was delayed due to aircraft issues making us 2 hours late for vacation. THIS IS MY HARD EARNED MONEY! I literally put blood, sweat and many many tears into this trip. The flight attendant was so rude on this trip. It was like she was absolutely offended by my presence. I barely even spoke to her except to make sure of my vegetarian tray to which I got the nasty reply "You'll have to wait because I don't have it with me now". If I wasn't so focused on sleeping as much as I could I would have written her name down. No complimentary cocktails for Preferred Seating? Seriously? What did I upgrade for exactly? Literally four inches of space? Late, rude, money sucking industry who holds no accountability for wrong doings. Don't get into the Health Industry.. you'll kill people with this flippant attitude. Bleh.. I doubt I'll fly with Delta again. The thought of having to do so turns my stomach."

Pros: "I got a seat in the exit row with lots of leg room. The entertainment that I didn't use offered a great selection with very recent movies, etc."
Cons: "I didn't like that I had to take a bus to my terminal. I didn't like the fact that my gate was changed more than five times. I didn't like that my flight time was changed more than 15 times with no reason why until boarding time. I didn't like the fact that I did not get a seat assignment until boarding the plane. I didn't like the fact that they couldn't manage to scramble another plane and crew, but instead forced us to wait over four hours for one that was stuck somewhere else in the country."

Pros: "On my ticket it clearly indicate that I am entitled to 2 check in baggage. Delta completely refused to honor this. They said am only entitled 1 piece, and therefore I have to pay for the other luggage. I was forced to borough money from someone at the airport just so that I could board the flight."
Cons: "I am asking that my money be refunded. And next time delta should honor and respect agreements. And be more professional"

Cons: "Almost everything"

Cons: "The WORST experience of my life. My flight was delayed 12 hours overnight due to "weather" and since it was reportedly because of uncontrollable weather delta didn't have to do anything for me so I slept in the JFK airport overnight, they wouldn't even give a $59 pass to their sky miles club for the afternoon. It felt like an easy excuse so they wouldn't have to do anything since there were other airlines still flying out of JFK and to go CLE before my rescheduled flight which makes me believe it wasn't all weather. Since the flight was delayed 12 hours instead of being cancelled they wouldn't let me switch to a different airline either. Then, in the morning when it was rescheduled to it was again delayed because they first couldn't find a captain and then couldn't find a fort mate. We finally took off and arrived in Cleveland only to wait another 30 minutes for a gate and a ground crew that they couldn't find. I will never fly delta again."

Pros: "I didn't like anything about this flight. Only benefit of the doubt is the 2 hour delay as a runway in SF had shut down."
Cons: "We had seats at first where there was what looked like bubble gum bits stuck on one of the food trays. The flight was clearly not cleaned although it landed 2+ hours before the departure. We had to ask for a wet tissue and clean it up. That was of no use too as it wouldn't scrub off. My wife was feeling under the weather and so we asked for a blanket. The blanket was hardly a blanket and more like a towel. We then luckily could switch seats as there were 2 vacant. But, the air conditioner was leaking water in the seat to our left. The crew was callous and just stuck the passenger with some napkins saying it does that. I don't fly Delta a lot and my experience in this trip isn't inspiring much confidence."

Pros: "Pretty much nothing related to the entertainment system... It is nice that you can play movies for free over WiFi on your phone or tablet (since the in-seat system simply didn't work...), but, bizarrely, the WiFi movie selection was different from (and substantially smaller than) the seat movie selection. What's that about? And the WiFi movie scheme is way more painful than it needs to be, requiring you "check out" movies using your web browser, then switch to a separate app to actually watch the movies. Clearly the product of a company mindset whose ONLY concern is "can we check some box", with absolutely no interest in "how can we delight our customers?""
Cons: "So we get the same entertainment system all these flights use: some ghastly totally non-optimized Linux setup that was rebooted three times during the flight, took 20 minutes for each reboot, and never worked correctly after any of the reboots. (The only movie my system would ever play was the very first one, and none of the on-screen controls worked. The seat next door could choose multiple movies, but each movie froze after 40 minutes). The amazing thing is: why don't they just install a damn iPad mini or Android equivalent in the back of each seat? Would be lighter than what they have today and would work FAR better. You'd need some co-ordinating/provisioning software to provide for OTA announcements and movie updates, but basically it's not that hard... At the very least, hire a Linux-head to optimize your startup scripts! It's just sad to see this 20 minute startup process (all dumped on the screen) with its constant repetition of time-wasting startup steps that just generate errors on this plane's particular hardware setup..."

"Bad new first class seats. No service"

"Self entitled pax loudly continuing his telephone conversation after pushback was tolerated and only after the safety demonstration did crew address it."

"Very narrow seating"

"Tv on the plain"

"The entertainment could have been better"

"I really wish American offered some type of free messaging."

"AA is getting worse each month. The rank and file staff and cabin crews are down-right nasty and rude. They need to stop worrying about curing all of society's ills and get back to flying planes and doing it with a smile."

Pros: "Quick flight"
Cons: "Nothing"

Pros: "Lack of communication"
Cons: "Horrible customer service"

Pros: "Boarding was ok"
Cons: "No entertainment screen and no free wifi. They let you sign in to their entertainment on the phone, but first of all the screen is small and it drains the battery of the phone and not comfortable. It would be great to have screens in all airplanes. Also, they give a pretzel and a bottle water, no other snacks and soft drinks are available."

Pros: "Had an exit row seat, 17D. Lots of leg room."

Pros: "Nothing"
Cons: "They didn't even offer water to drink and came up and down at least 8 times to collect garbage. What garbage you haven't offered us anything to throw out. They announced for their crew protection service may be slightly different if there is turbulence whatever"

Pros: "El tiempo de llegada, aterrizamos 40 min antes de lo esperado"
Cons: "Deben poner a los pasajeros que son impertinentes juntos"

Pros: "Seats were okay, even with an upgrade, still tight and I'm only 5'3". Drinks and snacks were served so plan ahead for food to Hawaii. Otherwise, I feel like there staff was great and doing their best to make everyone safe and respected."
Cons: "Very little seating at Phoenix airport."

Cons: "Better customer services"

Pros: "They offered some entertainment"
Cons: "Took no caution with coronavirus. Packed the plane with the seats full and all rows filled. I was not expecting this especially since my flight was not cheap."

Pros: "The crew was friendly, the cabin and bathrooms were very clean and the separation among passengers was unexpected and great"
Cons: "My flight was laid over due to weather so it may have been helpful to get a new boarding pass as we left the cancelled flight and maybe a voucher to help with hotel & food."

Pros: "Crew was amazing!"

Pros: "The seat? Very uncomfortable"
Cons: "The seat for the longest flight could be more comfortable"

Pros: "I observer th crew at this flight were very friendly and helpful, unlike my previous flight in the past years."
Cons: "Keep it up!"

Cons: "Red-booked from cancelled flight. On this leg they neglected to give me a boarding pass on app and gate agent was irtitated that I didnt have one. On flight; fidgety person in front of mr was in annoyingly squeaky chair. I was told I could not switch seats because of weight balance (I'm 135 lbs)."

Cons: "All Excellent"

Cons: "I was forced to check my bag due to the full flight. My bag didn't make it to my final destination. I'm concerned because this has happened before. I need my bag before the weekend."

Pros: "All the crew were pleasant"
Cons: "There was a delay but we weren't well informed"

Pros: "Entertainment system is ok"
Cons: "Not canceling our flight, delivering a plane out of a hangar on time and boarding with efficiency."

Pros: "The flight attendants were friendly and helpful."
Cons: "The American Airlines crew in Houston gave multiple people the wrong information regarding checked luggage for our connecting flight. Because the flight from NYC was over an hour delayed and the misinformation, several people missed the connecting flight. Hobby closes at a certain hour so I now have to wait until tomorrow morning to retrieve my carry on luggage the American Airlines MADE me check because of the group I was in. I called American Aurlines customer service line and they were not helpful. I will never fly American again."

Pros: "Boarding and entire flight"
Cons: "Na"

Pros: "Your crew was friendly, attentive and efficient. Flight was excellent and the pilot kept us informed."
Cons: "food selection was minimal. Wanted one of the fresh plates, but there was only hummus and crackers."

Pros: "Seats, check in, baggage claim all good."
Cons: "Lousy Wi-Fi on board"

Pros: "Nothing"
Cons: "AA cancel flights recurringly and has no ability to help their customers. Got I flight cancelled yesterday, and was move to another flight later (10:30pm) that supposed to leave ate (3:30pm). After several delays, they started boarding us at 1:00am, but the boarding process so messy and confuse, the plane couldn't took off before 1:40 by 1 minute and they had to cancel the flight with 200 people inside the plane. An absurd! Flight was rescheduled to today at 10am and obviously took off 1h delayed because AA can't organize simple things to expedite the boarding process."

Pros: "The crew was professional as always. My flight was delayed due to a storm near the Caribbean, which is fine because I would rather fly safe and arrive alive. My snack was tea and pretzels, which is fine because I enjoyed The Greatest Showman with sexy Hugh Jackman."
Cons: "I don't blame the airline for unruly passengers or weather conditions. When traveling you have to leave room for error or unforeseen circumstances. If you don't like the airline or passengers you can charter a private jet :)"

Pros: "The flight itself was fine and the staff were friendly."
Cons: "Didn't like getting herded onto a shuttle bus where most people had to stand packed in like sardines, only to idle for 15 minutes and drive in a circle back to the gate because there was something wrong with the plane. Then the ambiguous delay that lasted three hours."

Pros: "Entertainment on screens"
Cons: "The gate agent made us starting in boarding group 6 out of 9 to check sizes of bags in the size box and she got into a verbal fight with another passenger. One guy told her she could board but the gate agent said no it didn't fit and she couldn't board. Then the agent claimed she had to gate check her bag and claimed there were no overhead spaces left. So everyone after that had to gate check. When I boarded there were at least 8 empty bins and I had not even gotten to my seat in row 22. The gate agent lied and slowed down the entire boarding process because she want to win a fight and show dominance over a passenger."

Cons: "Delay"

Pros: "The crew on American Airlines flight #109 from LAX to HNL was excellent!"

Pros: "My flight to Frankfurt was a disaster. Delays at LGA caused me to miss the connection. Two very nice AA customer service phone staff attempted to help by booking me on a Lufthansa/United flight out of JFK that same evening. HOWEVER, I got to JFK only to discover I had NOT been ticketed. A lengthy call to AA resulted a a lame apology -"we don't do that" they claimed, but the had previously! And had booked me, so what the heck was this??? I'm still fuming!"
Cons: "Lies! They rebooked me on a Lufthansa flight out of JFK and I got there only to discover "they had made a mistake." Utter garbage excuses."

Pros: "Perfect quiet comfy flight"

Pros: "Left on time Nice flight attendants Arrived early"
Cons: "Runway time in New York"

Pros: "Everything was good from boarding to communication from the crew till we got off...I've heard a lot of bad things about American but I had a good experience :)"
Cons: "Well it wasn't a big deal since it wasn't a long flight but I wish they had gave a bagel or something for breakfast but it wasn't a big deal they gave pretzels and a beverage..."

Pros: "The flight attendants were amazing. I enjoyed the in flight entertainment and overall flight. The flight was only a couple of hours so there were no meals. I enjoyed a hot cup of tea during my flight. I was able to take a quick nap during the initial flight and catch a movie on the way back."
Cons: "The terminal at LGA is undergoing renovations, I had to take a shuttle bus to my gate. The shuffle down stairs, bus ride, and lines for boarding were annoying."

Cons: "HORRIBLE experience. I had a flight delay that forced me to reschedule to a flight the following morning and caused me to pay for an overnight at a hotel; none of the staff seemed to care whatsoever about their customers' travel plans or experience, giving us little to no information up to the point of canceling our flight, and doing even less to accommodate when plans were foiled. I honestly am waiting for a refund at this point. Terrible trip with American Airlines."

Pros: "Pulled from get on time. Short hold on runway. Easy landing."
Cons: "Still arriving in Washington where we have no gate. Being on time stinks because you still sit on runway. AT the destination. I would focus on quicker turn around and less accommodation of highly variable flight times in tight NE corridor"

Cons: "on a 7 hour flight over the pacific ocean and you dont provide a meal? you fly from egypt to germany, a 3 hour flight and you get a meal, so what's your excuse?"

Pros: "Speedy boarding"
Cons: "Unmotivated crew, uncomfortable seats."

Pros: "Never again. I had a connecting flight with a one hour layover and almost missed it. The plane to charlotte was very late boarding. Once i land I rush to my gate because I only have 20 minutes before they start boarding ; I get to the gate and have to wait almost an hour. At this point I still havent eaten because I am waiting around by the gate and the attendants are not communicating any information. Then they finally tell us that the reason the fligt hasnt boarded was because the flight attendant misplaced her luggage in the previous flight and was waiting to arrive to the terminal. Now how is that my issue? American Airlines needs to do better!"

Pros: "honestly, all I can say is that I like that I arrived...? eventually? four and a half hours later than we were promised, despite the beautiful weather?"
Cons: "I didn't like that American Airlines had not staffed our flight, so we waited for 4.5 hours for a flight attendant who would be able to complete the flight crew so we could leave. They kept delaying the flight, 5 minutes at a time, for 4.5 hours. It flew out of LGA, it was a 9pm flight. The airport food sources were closed, and AA kept us until 1am-- no food, no internet, and, because LGA has terrible cell reception, no phone service. Once we got on the plane, everyone was really hungry, and the plane had no snacks. No entertainment because the TV system was broken. It was just a miserable experience. I regret trying to save $20 by booking that flight. I have had nothing but terrile experiences on American Airlines-- NEVER AGAIN."

Pros: "Good crew."
Cons: "The plane was delayed for two hours!"

Pros: "The crew's response was better than expected."
Cons: "Snacks were a bit too expensive."

Cons: "The wifi prices are absolutely outrageous. In a time where hotels are giving wifi away for free bc it's baked in their pricing and costs the airline should be doing the same. It leaves a bitter taste of feeling nickel and dimed when you charge spears toy for this. Especially at $21 for a 3 hour flight. Seriously?"

Pros: "The younger male crew staff was good Female staff poor Plane itself was poor . Seat Tray kept unlocking as latch old and faulty Connection was good although airport shuttle to gate uncomfortable due to navigate stairs with carry on"

Pros: "Overall flight was satisfactory experience."
Cons: "Movie selection for entertainment"

Cons: "Service was surprisingly lacking for first class. No refreshments offered prior to takeoff. Dinner was mediocre, what you would get in economy. Beverage served was a glass of wine and small bottle of water and that was it for the entire flight. On an earlier flight in economy, there were two times we were served refreshments. No one bothered to collect my empty water bottle the entire flight. And this is first class ??"

Cons: "United needs stricter rules about boarding and de-boarding during Covid. They lag behind other airlines. De-boarding especially needs to be controlled. Very disappointed. Also, after row 21 there are no screens and you have to use your own device. Then provide outlets! Jeeze that's ridiculous. You need to have plugs if you have to use your own device during the flight!"

Pros: "Amazing crew !!!"

Pros: "The crew was great. The crew at the gate tried to get us on another flight so we wouldn't be too delayed."
Cons: "he all day delays were not. We missed a show we paid a lot of money for months prior to the flight and we missed it!"

Cons: "Our BOS-SFO flight was delayed several times that would have caused us to miss our connection to HNL. Instead we were diverted to IAH where we spent the night at our expense. We are still in Houston awaiting our return to HNL. Too long a delay."

Pros: "The seat was not super comfortable but for a 3 hour flight it was good."
Cons: "More movie selections."

Pros: "Seats and entertainment"
Cons: "One syaffmemberrude butall not very friendly orhelpful no food to purchase on board which meant we had absolutely nothing to eat until landing not good when ad ertise that you can purchase on board also paid 50 dollars for checked bags but ihadconfirmed with your airline theywereinyheprice along of gimethecrewwalkedpast with coffee withoutaski gif wanted one"

Pros: "The staff was pretty polite and helpful"
Cons: "The plane was old, seats didn't recline and I thought all flights over 4 hours had screens and not personal device entertainment. I was able to use but it's not conducive to the overall experience."

Cons: "One crew is rude while I was ordering food while she is delivering the beverage after the order time. She simply told me they don't have what I want to order and leave. After 5 mins, I pushed the service button and nobody responded. After half hour, I ordered the food from another crew passed by. After I landed, they suppose to return my stroller set at the airplane gate. But they said it is not there, ask us to wait at the airport gate. We walked outside and they broadcasted again, I didn't hear very clearly but followed most parents to walk out. We wait at the baggage claim for almost 1 hour and finally, the baggage crew came back to the gate and found our stroller."

Pros: "Really great service! Smooth flight!"

Pros: "I like the boarding, crew."
Cons: "There was not enough legroom. I felt squished in my seat. I had same seat while going and coming to Chicago and that was 38B. It was all the way back and the middle seat. I was uncomfortable through out the flight and could not wait to get off from the little space I had."

Pros: "I was bumped from my flight, put on a later one which was delayed and I missed my connecting flight which had to be rebooked. I was not notified before arriving at the airport so I waited there for 4 hours. As a result, I missed dinner plans at my destination."
Cons: "I couldn't reserve a seat until 24 hours in advance of the flight so I got a terrible seat."

Pros: "All of the flight attendants except for Linda were nice and friendly. The entertainment selection was great and made a 10 hour flight go quickly."
Cons: "There was a flight attendant named Linda on the flight who was very condescending. I tapped her on the shoulder for a request and she told me it was not appropriate to do so because "as flight attendants, we get tapped so often." Then she skipped over me when serving the snack options because she didn't make "eye contact" with me although my tray was down and I had my wallet and credit card ready for payment. I have been flying with United to go home to Hawaii for over a decade and have never been treated so poorly by a flight attendant on this airline. I am seriously considering flying with Delta, Southwest, and JetBlue exclusively from now on after this experience."

Pros: "Quick boarding"
Cons: "Long flight"

Pros: "Entertainment had good choices. I was very comfortable in the chairs. The crew was overall friendly."
Cons: "Wish the entertainment came with tablets already installed instead if for purchase. Would be nice to have gluten-free options for snacks. Since my first flight was delayed and I barely made it to my connection, I had no time to grab something to eat at the airport. And being celiac, there was only a nut and fruit mix. Not enough to substitute for a meal. My biggest complaint however is with 3 hours left of the flight, i turned on the call button to request a beverage and nobody came. I waited 45 minutes, having to turn on the light 3 separate time because it automatically must have timed out. I couldn't get out of my seat due to seat belt sign. I looked back into the rear galley and 5 attendants were back there talking. Tried to get their attention. Nothing. Finally, I got up and went to get my own drinks. Being a server at hotel in waikiki, I understand that customer service is very important. And though I understand that they may have been busy and unable to answer my call, I could see that clearly was not the problem. They were just standing there and chatting. Very frustrating. Though they were friendly, they just simply weren't paying attention. I have to say in all honesty, I will not be recommending nor flying United airlines again."

Pros: "We had arrived a little ahead of schedule"
Cons: "For an almost 6 hour flight, they chose a very small plane. Probably because they didn't sell enough seats on the flight so they downsized. Anyway, lots of people who boarded towards the end weren't able to store any carryon luggage. And as I listened to the crew talk to them, they weren't very nice about it. Sounded as if they were saying it's the passengers fault. We are allowed 1 carryon and 1 personal bag. For any flight that is longer than 3 hours, I believe the airlines should at least allow passengers to have 1 free check in. Then maybe we wouldn't be trying to carry everything on with us. Our flight to Hawaii wasn't very comfortable either. We had purchased economy plus but it didn't seem all that comfortable. Maybe because it was a smaller plane. I think it was a 737, not really sure but it had 3 seats on each side with no middle row. Food is for purchase! Outrageous."

Pros: "Unfortunately I won't leave until morning. However I can already answer this question. I will like the fact that I'll be seeing my only child after an entire year!"
Cons: "I didn't like the fact that United Airlines took time away from us. Because she's military I don't get to see her as often as I'd like. I booked my trip from October 5-16 2017 and our vacation together won't start until a day later. Some may say it's only a day but I say different and I should be compensated for my loss as well as so many other people that were traveling with me. My overall experience with this airline was horrible! I won't say I'd never use them again because you never say never BUT they will be my last resort!"

Pros: "They upgraded me and it was very comfortable. Didn't know till I was going on the plane. They sat me in the exit row and I'm very capable of doing what's needed in an emergency."
Cons: "Seats weren't as roomy as the newer plane and noisier."

Pros: "Absolutely nothing."
Cons: "I missed my connecting flight due to delay and thus had to spend unneccessary money for a hotel, as well as an additional plane ticket to Cusco. Thanks for nothing."

Pros: "Getting off the plane"
Cons: "The guy puked halfway through the flt and not one single flt attendant came even though they were serving drinks repeatedly to the dr sitting in the row in front of me. Also the flt was delayed as we waited almost an hour for people trying to connect which made me more upset since I was rebooked on that later flt because although my previous flt was there half hour before departure, we didn't have a gate to use which caused me to be 15 mins late for my original flt. Did they wait for me?! NO! I was rebooked. It's unfair that they stole an hour of life from every other passenger to accommodate a few. Back to the guy who puked, an hour after that he started shaking and grabbing his head and asking me why am I hurting his heart. Then incoherent blathering and then his last episode 20 minutes before we land in which he started hitting himself in the head saying he would die right now for his wife and how he's made mistakes. It was three separate incidents from this one passenger and not one flt attendant noticed? Yeah it was bad piled on worse stacked on top of never United ever again."

Cons: "5 minutes before we boarded they tried to change my seat without informing me.... luckily it popped up on my phone that my seat had changed I reserved an aisle seat when I made my reservations five days before the flight. All of a sudden they put me in the middle seat I went to the counter and the person at the counter tried to tell me that I just changed to the aisle seat that I had which I actually have had for 5 days and she tried to tell me that I was lying to her I was not very pleased with United at all!!! I made it very clear and even showed her the email from 5 days ago where I had that seats all along the aisle seat that she took away from me and put me in the middle somewhere so three minutes later she told me to look at my phone and she changed me back but that's after she basically called me a liar and said I didn't know what I was talking about!! Worst US AIRLINE!!"

Pros: "free movies on the flight with the united app"
Cons: "The flight attendant was late delaying boarding 20 minutes. Once they started, people were lining up to board. This is a normal behavior however, there employee decided to stop boarding because she said people were crowding. she stop boarding for another 20 minutes. Now, this was a large flight and there wasn't enough room for everyone to stand off to the side. She was rude and there was no reason for this especially when the flight attendant was already late. The plane was delayed 45 minutes due to this"

Pros: "Everyone was gracious and friendly"
Cons: "Again in this second segment of my long trip, the Wi-Fi entertainment network went down with a couple of hours left in the trip. For a long trip, having something to view is helpful in passing g the time."

Pros: "The crew was exceptionally friendly and helpful. Water and drinks were offered regularly. For those who had the app there was inflight entertainment. We paid for plus size seats and had enough leg room."
Cons: "I believe that on the long flights built in entertainment screens should be standard. Most people did not have the app and many spent 8.5 hours without anything to do. Food is not offered on this long flight unless you pay for it. You must walk to the very back of the plane where the food is in warmers. I got a hamburger and it was a bit dried out. Could have been worse...just hard to handle since tomato, lettuce and condiments were on the side. A larger person sat next to me and took use of the armrest between us which made me feel like I lost 4 inches of my personal space."

Pros: "Thanks for the ONE toffee cookie at the beginning of the 8 hour long flight."
Cons: "I have NEVER flown on an international flight and NOT received a complimentary meal or two...When I'm flying for 8 hours. On top of that the seats were very small and uncomfortable. I shouldn't feel a person grabbing a magazine or pulling down a tray when I'm sitting in the seat in front of them. There was one younger African American flight attendant with a light brown, long curl wig that didn't look like she wanted to be there. You can tell by all her eye rolls, sighs and not responding back to numerous thank yous given to her. I couldn't consistently watch a show or movie for 3 minutes thanks to the wifi and or app on MY Samsung's SO sad that you guys couldn't have them already installed like other airlines. This airline is already in hot water, I expected MUCH better customer service. I will do my best NOT to use them again and tell others to do the same."

Pros: "Everything went very smoothly. Food was just ok. I had the omelet which was mostly cheese. You had access to the entertainment only if you had your own system that would tie into the United app. For most people, it was probably not a big deal but I had to download the app before taking off (they did warn you numerous times) and if you didn't do it, you were out of luck."

Pros: "Nothing"
Cons: "Refused to delay connecting flight in Denver even though severL of where already on ground in delayed flight coming into Denver. Albuquerque flght was still at gate when I got there, having run through airport along with several others. We were refused admission to plane despite delay being United's fault. Unacceptable! I will avoid flying United in the future whenever possible"

Pros: "Smooth flight and on time great customer service"
Cons: "Nothing"

Pros: "The flight attendants were friendly for the most part."
Cons: "On both flghts we requested a bassinet for our 3 month old. We were told on the phone if one was available we were able to have it. Both flights had bassinets but we weren't allowed access to them. On our first leg the bassinet was in economy plus and we were economy. On the way home our fight was downsized to a smaller plane and the airline was too busy trying to cut 25 people off the fight they weren't able to give us a seat where the bassinet would be. We asked several flight attendants and got different answers from each one."

Pros: "The crew on board the flights were always friendly and Stern with unruly customers. Very good job in that department."
Cons: "I am 5'10 and 155 lbs I wasn't so cramped in the sets that when the person infront of me put there seat back I couldn't cross my leg or sit comfortable. I can't imagine what a person any taller or larger then me felt. Oh also the average size man sitting extra to me was spilling over my seat. Luckily he did not smell and was very apologetic. The only reason I booked through united was because of how cheap they were. But with Lon delays. Rude check in emoployees, bad snacks, zero in flight entertainment 7.99 to watch tv? Come on you have us trapped already. (returning to Hawaii) and one of the worst seating set ups of my life. Yeah I'll gladly go back to delta."

Cons: "Honestly, the customer service with United was in need of serious improvement, from the moment we checked our bags to the time we were in flight, we were given very poor service, the man at baggage check in was extremely condescending, acting like we should know everything about United's processing instead of just helping us with our needs in the first place and it added unnecessary extra stress to our travels from Colorado to Hawaii. I don't even want to blame the employees as it was very obvious that they hated their jobs and just wanted the shift to be done with; something needs to be addressed about how they can accommodate both employees and paying customers alike. Let's just say I can't wait until Hawaiian Airlines expands to Denver flights so we never have to deal with United again, as this is the only reason we used this airline."

Pros: "They offered complementary snacks and water at the gate when the flight was delayed by 2 hours for mechanical reasons. After such a long and tiring day, when I went to buy a drink onboard, the flight attendant didn't charge me. It was done as a courtesy for the lengthy delays. This was much appreciated and honestly made the irritation with the delays disappear. It's amazing what a little thing like that can do for a person. All the flight attendants were gracious and helpful. Overall, they made the flight good."
Cons: "I had to run to make this connecting flight due to the previous flight leaving an hour late, only to learn the flight was delayed. It was delayed 2.5 hours for maintenance."

Cons: "I did not like the seats. I was unable to recline and rest the way I wanted and did not like having to wait 45 minutes for baggage claim to drop my bags"

Cons: "Over 3-hour delay. Various text messages including one that indicated the flight was leaving 5 minutes earlier; then it was delayed again!"

Pros: "We had economy plus seats, so I could still feel my legs and didn't have a near panic occurrence. Good news! The dents in my husband's knees from the previous flight are gone! A/C worked great."
Cons: "United flight attendants could use a good Dale Carnegie course. The attendants on our flight exuded "GO AWAY!" Our row mate (aisle) had a broken seat that she paid extra $$ for & she asked to be seated elsewhere. Attendant said there are no more seats. There was at least one seat in first-class; we could see it. She also asked for more pretzels......2 1/2 hours into the flight...the attendant said I gave them out already. One pack of pretzels? I wasn't offered any pretzels at all. And the movie choices....what?!?!?!?! I can't even begin to describe the disappointment that your "selection" of movies caused. This isn't a hop to Hawaii. It's long haul. Oh. And my feelings are still a little hurt I at being subjected to the SMELL of baking chocolate chip cookies that were being served in 1st class. Really? Superman vs Batman, Captain America, Barbershop II, Jungle Book, etc., AND having to smell cookies I can't have? It's just too much to take in on a 5 hour flight."

Cons: "Bumped my head getting into the seat!!!!! The coffee machine was broken hence there was no coffee - this was a 10 am flight and the choice was a cool drink - Very poor."

Pros: "The flight landed safely and was only a few minutes late after delayed departure of 25 minutes."
Cons: "A problem passenger ruined the flight for me and several others. He continually left his seat when the seat belt sign was on. I figured he was back smoking or vaping in the lavatory as he came back smelling strongly of after shave, bit seeing him weave around he must've been drinking. Then he stood in the aisle and poured more after shave down his shirt and outside his shirt. The smell was so strong it gave me a headache and make me sick to my stomach. Then he left his seat and sat behind us somewhere with a woman. A flight attendant told another man to come up and sit where he had been sitting. After the man went to sleep this guy came up and kicked him out of his seat. Then he asked the guy by the windows to switch seats with him which the guy did Kama then he proceeded to make him move several times as he had to get out and get out of his seat looking for something. I'm not sure how these things are handled normally but this guy really ruined for me. Aren't there consequences for ignoring all the rules? I probably won't fly United again."

Pros: "The spacious seats and entertainment on the plane."
Cons: "The cost of food products on the plane. Could have been better food for the price."

Pros: "Crew was excellent, flight attendant welcomed us with a big smile and helped us with priority boarding with infant."
Cons: "Being a small regional aircraft it was missing on board wifi or entartainment."

Pros: "The plane didn't crash"
Cons: "I was originally scheduled to fly to Cleveland from LGA at 8:30PM. At 12:30PM I got a text from United informing me that my flight had been cancelled. My only rebooking option on the same day was a 9:45PM flight out of Newark. Newark is significantly farther away from my apartment (2 hours vs. 30 minutes) but I took it because it was my only option. After a 2+ hour trip to Newark and going through a disastrous check-in process I found out my flight was delayed until 10:30, then 11, then 11:41. Hardly any real announcements were made until the end when the gate agent stopped hiding. No apologies were made and wasn't even offered water for the inconvenience."

Cons: "I Purchased 2 round trip tickets for myself and my son. My son had a change of plans and purchased another one way ticket to leave a week earlier. So his first leg of my purchase was not used. They resold that seat on May 27. So they made money Twice on that seat. Then when we checked in to return on 15 June. We were told his ticket had been cancelled and I had to purchase another ticket for his return. The flight was NOT sold out. My entire row of seats was empty. So I paid for 2 seats for the same flight. This is theft, coming and going and I am calling my lawyer!"

Pros: "Staff"
Cons: "No leg room"

Pros: "I enjoyed very little about this experience. The crew was cordial however they lose the ability to perform simple tasks by the long standing protocols and overcrowded flights. Most of the crew are as unhappy as the passengers."
Cons: "The plane hit the brakes while taking off and returned to the gate due to a warning light. We were told nothing other than we needed to wait. They said the fix took 5 minutes but our wait took 2 hours. Not efficient. They rent out tablets for on plane entertainment, unlike every other plane I've ever flown, they make you pay to keep you happy during a 5.5 hour flight. Food was horrible. The seat did not recline and they eradicate every ounce of comfort to overpack the plane. The Captian made little announcements and the one he did make upon decent, started with "please fasten your seat belts, we are 65 miles away from Honolulu but...", I was sure the "light" came back on 30k feet about the pacific and we were going down. Finally - the last announcement from the head stewardess didn't include "Aloah, thank you for flying United". Seems minor but it goes to show they don't care anymore. That's the first time I hadn't heard the welcomed message after my 20th trip to the Islands. After my return flight I vow to never fly United again."

Pros: "Crew was friendly. It was a long flight, so glad that came around in between drink services to offer water."
Cons: "Not that much content on the entertainment device, several movies were only playing in Japanese and no option to change to English. My device kept shutting off at random times despite having full battery."

Cons: "Flight was very late. Boarding is rediculous. They load from the front of the plane and people go to the back looking for overhead storage and then try to more forward again while the people with seats in the back are coming in."

Cons: "We were frustrated because we chose United flights but then got put on Island air from Maui to Honolulu who has completely different baggage guidelines and ended up costing us quite a bit more because our carry-ones weren't 16 lbs or below. I don't like things like that, so I wasn't very happy with that part of the trip. I don't think that is United's fault-probably Kayak's. Flying in general just isn't pleasant anymore. The crews aren't happy or fun and they've gotten so cheap on everything, and charge you out the nose for everything. The airplanes weren't clean. My 2 year old had to brush off a seat of crumbs on her seat before she sat down! Just sad where it's gotten in this crazy world. We used to love to fly, and now we are just always glad to be done with the flights!"

Pros: "nothing"
Cons: "4 hr delayed departure. fine... better safe than sorry when there's a mechanical problem. BUT-- there was no compensation.. no free drinks, no free food worse: the flight left after lunch but there was only breakfast food (since it had been a morning flight). and THEY RAN OUT OF FOOD FOR SALE. despite the 4 hour delay. we were starving. then... we FINALLY arrive... and wait another full HOUR for the gate to be opened. because it had "timed out" (because we were so late?) and apparently, they have to call someone in from who knows where to unlock the gate... it took an hour! we basically lost a full day of our Hawaiian vacation"

Pros: "I liked that I made it to my destination in time and didn't miss connecting flight."
Cons: "What I didn't like it that I almost missed my connecting flight, and TSA decided to pick out my package for inspection and stole important items out of it. I am filing a claim"

Pros: "Crew was friendly"
Cons: "My husband, myself and 11 year old son were seated separately. We requested seats together. I was told by the desk staff that there were younger children also seated away from their parents. Once in board, I observed several families with adults seated together and children older than 11 seated together. Priority should have been given to younger children to sit with at least one parent. I was uncomfortable with my minor aged child was seated with strangers for a 5 hour flight. In flight online entertainment didn't work initially."

How Long to Get to Hawaii From New York


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