Viva Dot Com Class 10 Solutions Chapter 3

Chapter 1 - Chemical Reactions and Equations 17 Lectures

  • 1.1 Chemical Reactions And Equations - Introduction 1.1 Chemical Reactions And Equations - Introduction

    What are the topics we are going to learn in chapter chemical reactions and equations?

    Watch Now! 9:48

  • 1.2 Types of Changes in Nature 1.2 Types of Changes in Nature

    • What are the various changes that happen around us?
    • What is radioactive change?

    Watch Now! 29:53

  • 1.3 Chemical Reaction 1.3 Chemical Reaction

    • What is chemical reaction?
    • When does the chemical reaction happen?

    Watch Now! 14:44

  • 1.4 Combination and Decomposition Reactions 1.4 Combination and Decomposition Reactions

    • What are the types of chemical reactions?
    • What are combination and decomposition reactions?
    • Types of decomposition reactions

    Watch Now! 28:17

  • 1.5 Displacement and Double Displacement Reactions 1.5 Displacement and Double Displacement Reactions

    Explanation of chemical reactions :

    • Displacement reactions
    • Double displacement reactions
    • Exothermic and endothermic reactions
    • Precipitation reactions

    Watch Now! 29:33

  • 12 More Lessons

Chapter 2 - Acids, Bases and Salts 22 Lectures

  • 2.1 Acid, Bases and Salts - Introduction 2.1 Acid, Bases and Salts - Introduction

    What are the topics we are going to learn in chapter acid, bases, and salts?

    Watch Now! 10:42

  • 2.2 Indicators 2.2 Indicators

    • What are indicators?
    • What is the use of indicators?
    • Types of indicators

    Watch Now! 19:38

  • 2.3 Acids 2.3 Acids

    • What are acids?
    • Why acids are important and from where we get it?

    Watch Now! 12:09

  • 2.4 Chemical Properties of Acids 2.4 Chemical Properties of Acids

    • What is Arrhenius acid?
    • What are the chemical reactions of acids?
    • Basicity of acids

    Watch Now! 27:52

  • 2.5 Chemical Reaction of Acids 2.5 Chemical Reaction of Acids

    • What are the various chemical reactions of acids?
    • Test for CO2 gas

    Watch Now! 48:43

  • 17 More Lessons

Chapter 3 - Metals and Non-Metals 31 Lectures

  • 3.1 Metals And Non-Metals - Introduction 3.1 Metals And Non-Metals - Introduction

    What are the topics we are going to learn in chapter metals and non-metals?

    Watch Now! 14:23

  • 3.2 Metals 3.2 Metals

    • What are the Metals ?
    • How can we classify elements in metals and non-metals?

    Watch Now! 26:12

  • 3.3 Difference Between Metals and Nonmetals 3.3 Difference Between Metals and Nonmetals

    Watch Now! 29:08

  • 3.4 Chemical Properties of Metals 3.4 Chemical Properties of Metals

    What are the various chemical properties of metals?

    Watch Now! 35:52

  • 3.5 Aqua - Regia (Latin for 'Royal Water') 3.5 Aqua - Regia (Latin for 'Royal Water')

    What is Aqua – Regia and how it produced?

    Watch Now! 13:01

  • 26 More Lessons

Chapter 4 - Carbon and its Compounds 50 Lectures

  • 4.1 Carbon & its Compounds - Introduction 4.1 Carbon & its Compounds - Introduction

    What are the topics we are going to learn in chapter carbon & its compounds?

    Watch Now! 14:11

  • 4.2 Bonding in Carbon Compound 4.2 Bonding in Carbon Compound

    How the carbon atom makes bond?

    Watch Now! 39:33

  • 4.3 Some Examples Depicting Covalent Bonding 4.3 Some Examples Depicting Covalent Bonding

    Different examples based on covalent bonding

    Watch Now! 38:03

  • 4.4 Difference Between Covalent and Ionic Compound 4.4 Difference Between Covalent and Ionic Compound

    Watch Now! 27:56

  • 4.5 Allotropy 4.5 Allotropy

    • What is allotropy?
    • What is the use of allotropy?

    Watch Now! 12:57

  • 45 More Lessons

Chapter 5 - Periodic Classification of Elements 26 Lectures

  • 5.1 Introduction - Periodic Classification Of Elements 5.1 Introduction - Periodic Classification Of Elements

    What are the topics we going to learn in chapter periodic classification of elements?

    Watch Now! 12:00

  • 5.2 Earlier Attempts at the Classification of Elements 5.2 Earlier Attempts at the Classification of Elements

    Watch Now! 8:30

  • 5.3 Dobereiner's Triads 5.3 Dobereiner's Triads

    What is a Dobereiner's triad?

    Watch Now! 16:10

  • 5.4 Newland Law of Octaves 5.4 Newland Law of Octaves

    Watch Now! 19:50

  • 5.5 Lother Meyer's Curve 5.5 Lother Meyer's Curve

    What is Lother Meyer's curve?

    Watch Now! 27:13

  • 21 More Lessons

Full Chapter Videos 6 Lectures

  • Chapter 1 - Chemical Reactions and Equations Chapter 1 - Chemical Reactions and Equations

    Watch Now! 6:48:16

  • Chapter 2 - Carbon and its Compounds (Part 1) Chapter 2 - Carbon and its Compounds (Part 1)

    Watch Now! 8:03:28

  • Chapter 2 - Carbon and its Compounds (Part 2) Chapter 2 - Carbon and its Compounds (Part 2)

    Watch Now! 8:24:13

  • Chapter 3 - Metals and Non-Metals Chapter 3 - Metals and Non-Metals

    Watch Now! 8:34:07

  • Chapter 4 - Acids, Bases and Salts Chapter 4 - Acids, Bases and Salts

    Watch Now! 9:52:16

  • 1 More Lessons

Chemistry Experiments 4 Lectures

  • Practical 1- Determination of pH of Various Solutions Practical 1- Determination of pH of Various Solutions

    Watch Now! 49:29

  • Practical 2 - Properties of Acids (HCl) (Viva Ques) Practical 2 - Properties of Acids (HCl) (Viva Ques)

    Watch Now! 45:02

  • Practical 3 - Types of Chemical Reactions (Viva Ques) Practical 3 - Types of Chemical Reactions (Viva Ques)

    Watch Now! 32:10

  • Practical 4 - Actions of Metals on Salt Solutions Practical 4 - Actions of Metals on Salt Solutions

    Watch Now! 32:15

Viva Dot Com Class 10 Solutions Chapter 3


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